Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is Lojick?

"Lojick was first discovered during the Stone Age by a frustrated husband. It was tamed and put to domestic use by Man in the next couple of thousand or so years. Its aboriginal homeland is said to be the cool mountains of Persia, but recent findings also suggest the possibility that it might first have been a native of Northern Europe. Wherever it came from, the fact is that it quickly adopted itself to almost any climate and spread all over the world, save for the tropics and very hot places in general which it hates. Its genetic origins are more obscure and lies somewhere between the ear and the mouth and can be improved by a frugal diet. Lojick is often heavy, cold and metallic yellow with gray patches. It has a low, deep voice and makes ticking noises when happy but grunts when disturbed. Today most scientists agree that Lojick is threatened with extinction all over the world."
- from Petipedia